Introduction to Social Enterprise Start Up


This course provides prospective social and community entrepreneurs with an overview of the world of social and community enterprise, and how to get started

The course is designed to give participants the basic knowledge they need to start their journey as social community entrepreneurs. You will learn what social entrepreneurship is all about; the eight steps to building a social enterprise from scratch, the different social enterprise business models, business planning, marketing your business, and how to grow your business. 

Who is the course for?

Anyone interested in learning more about social entrepreneurship and how to start up and grow a socially conscious business.

What's included?

This course is taught by a highly experienced tutor. Group sizes are kept small to make sure that all learners have the opportunity to ask questions and get the most possible from the course. Learners are also given a pack of resources to take away, and a certificate of attendance.

Booking a course

If you are interested in booking BrightSparks to deliver a course for your organisation, please get in touch to see how we can create customised training for your needs.

Find out more about social enterprise start up

Take a look at our blog for tips and information about social enterprise start up, testimonials from our learners and more.